Mojarra Frita

Mojarra Frita Image
Mojarra Frita Image

Mojarra Frita


julio 12, 2017

  • Cook: 25 mins


1 mojarra

4 cloves garlic

1 teaspoon garlic salt

1 liter of vegetable oil

Flour to taste

Lemon peel to taste

Ground pepper to taste


1Choose a large pan deep enough to cover the mojarra with oil.

2Heat the oil in the pan over medium heat.

3Rinse and dry the mojarra. Be sure to dry it well to avoid problems with the hot oil.

4Make small diagonal cuts on the fish to aid in the cooking process.

5Add salt and pepper to the fish and pass it through the flour.

6Add the garlic cloves and lemon peels to the frying pan with the oil.

7When the oil gets really hot, put the mojarra in the pan.

8Cook for about 15 minutes, until cooked properly.

9Remove the fish from the pan and remove the excess fat by drying it with napkins or paper towels.


4 Reviews

Mojarra Frita Image

sinoptica mkt

febrero 23, 2022


Mojarra Frita Image


febrero 15, 2022

Best Mojarra ever! Thank you

Mojarra Frita Image

sinoptica mkt

julio 22, 2020


Mojarra Frita Image


julio 15, 2020

This turned out so good!!

Mojarra Frita Image

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